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Greendale genetics are benchmarked to the merino industry using:

o   Trials – over 35 years of performance for production and profitability in more than 20 trials across NSW.  With results that are unmatched by any other merino genetic source in terms of proven profitability and consistent performance.

o   ASBV’s – performance data has been entered into Merino Select for the past 13 years. Greendale Merinos have been achieving top percentile rankings over the entire flock with majority of our leading sires ranking in the Top 1% for the most heritable and profitable traits.

o   Sire Evaluation – Greendale sires have been entered in trials comparing their progenies performances to other merino industry genetics.

o   Introduced Genetics – Only genetics that has performance in all three benchmarking tools above are introduced using an annual AI programme.  Recent introduced genetics include: Hazeldean and Yalgoo.

o   Genomic Testing and DNA Parentage – Greendale has recently introduced genomic testing to determine DNA parentage into our nucleus flock to create precise identification of a sheep’s potential genetic merit based on pedigree.​​

This focus on benchmarking genetics has driven the growth and profitability of our business and our clients merino breeding businesses.

Genetic Progress Report

Prepared by SheepMetrix


Bookham Ag Bureau Trial

Wether Trial Results 2022- Year 4 - Final year 


Bookham Ag Bureau Trial

Wether Trial Results 2021 - Year 3

The 2021 Bookham Ag Bureau Wether Trial once again saw teams using Greendale genetics to be the most economically superior genetic source for performance and profitability out of the 28 entered teams.

  • Clients using Greendale genetics ranked as the highest average team value with placings in 1st, 2nd, 6th and 10th.

  • Teams using Greendale averaged $85.55/hd whilst the overall trial average was $75.36/hd.

  • The highest average value was $90.53/hd, also achieved by Greendale genetics.

Greendale genetics has retained the highest profit per hectare as well as the highest profit per head for the past 15 years of the Bookham Ag Wether Trial.


Bookham Ag Bureau Trial

Wether Trial Results 2020 - Year 2 

  • Greendale genetics ranked in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th for highest average wool value and 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 7th for average value per DSE. 

Overall all clients using Greendale genetics performed well above average across the trial

Merino Bloodline Performance 2007-2018

The relative performance of commonly used Merino bloodlines has been updated with the 2018 analysis of 25 wether trials conducted in NSW (24) and Tasmania (1) between 2007 and 2018.




Greendale was a high accuracy bloodline with 15 teams and 507 records. This validates the production and profitability results of the Greendale bloodline.

Merino Bloodline Performance 2006 – 2016

With the analysis of data collected over 10 years from 22 trial sites across Australia representing 77 bloodlines, Greendale genetics was ranked 1st overall in profit $/DSE.

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Bookham Ag Bureau Trial

Greendale Genetics ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd $/head wool out of 29 teams 


Bookham Ag Bureau Trial 

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Peter Westblade Memorial Merino Challenge - Wagga Wagga

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Bookham Ag Bureau Trial


Bookham Ag Bureau Trial - Overall Trial Result

McGufficke Partners ranked 1st of 33 teams overall in all 4 years for $/head wool return and $/DSE - 24% above trial average. Heaviest fleece weight in all 4 years.

Mayfield Partnership ranked 3rd of 33 teams overall, 3rd $/head wool return 2014. 2nd heaviest fleece weight


Monaro Farming Systems Trial - Delegate

Teams using Greendale genetics ranked 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th and 17th of 24 teams, $/head wool return 

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Bookham Ag Bureau Trial

The leading Greendale team was 58% ($22.04) more profitable than the lowest ranked team

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Monaro Farming Systems Trial - Delegate


Bookham Ag Bureau Trial

McGufficke Partners ranked 1st of 33 teams for wool value $/head, 6.5kg, 17.3 mic, $73.70 /head.

Mayfield Partnership successfully ranked 10th for wool vlaue $/head, 6.0kg, 17.6 mic, $64.50/head


Peter Westblade Memorial Merino Challenge - Temora

Clients using Greendale genetics ranked 2nd & 3rd of 50 teams profit/ha

B&E Dwyer Alectown, using Greendale genetics for 8 years, ranked 2nd overall of 50 teams 

Overall profit was 25% more than the trial average, 71% more profitable than the lowest ranked team

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