Proven Performers Greendale Merinos
Confidence in the commercial performance of Greendale Merino genetics was in evidence at their on-property ram sale held at "Willarney" Cooma sale last Thursday.
This confidence is a result of the 2006-2016 Merino Bloodline comparison where Greendale was ranked 1st overall in profit $/DSW of the 77 bloodlines represented
The McGufficke Family penned 90 rams, selling 76 on the day for an average price of $1934.
Buyers used the information provided with ASBVs to target rams with high YCFW and Merino Production Indexes.
Rams sired by industry leading sires Hazeldean 11-3542 and Greendale 12-12 attracted a lot of attention and all sold at above sale average price.
The top priced ram was bought by Jimenbuen Pastoral Co for $4500, a son of Hazeldean 11-3542 he had figures of +25YCFW, -1.9 YFD with an MP+ index of 178. Jimenbuen also bought another son of 11-3542 for $4000. This ram also had stand out ASBV’s of +27.7 YCFW, -1.6 YFD and MP+ index of 179.
Other notable purchases included repeat client Wathonga Partnership Cooma purchasing 3 rams at an average price of $2983. E&G Sellars Bendoc secured 3 rams for an average price of $3500. Long term clients Jim and Clare Buckley Jindabyne selected from the top end of the catalogue securing 3 rams for a $3050 average. Jincumbilly Grazing Ando bought 5 rams at an average price of $1840.
Several new clients purchased at the sale. These included D&R Sykes Binalong purchasing 5 rams at an average of $2390. Mountain View Ag Alectown took home 6 poll rams for an average price of $1766. Locally based M&A Platts Ando bought 2 rams at an $1100 average.
Long term clients with leading performances in wether trials across NSW again purchased rams at the sale. These include Woodstock Partnership buying 6 rams at an average of $2708. Woodstock Partnership was ranked 1st/$DSE of the 50 teams in the 2016 Peter Westblade Memorial Merino Challenge Trial at Wagga Wagga.
B&E Dwyer Alectown purchased 7 rams at an average of $1471. They were ranked 5th $/DSE overall at the 2016 Peter Westblade Memorial Merino Challenge.
O&J Cay “Pineleigh” Bungarby loaded 6 rams for a $1200 average price. The Cays are currently ranked 2nd of the 29 teams in the 2016 Bookham Ag Bureau trial.
Mayfield Partnership Cooma is ranked 3rd $/head in the 2016 Bookham Ag Bureau Trial and bought 2 rams at $2000 each.
The McGufficke Family would like to thank all those who attended, bought and helped at the sale.
The sale was conducted by Elders Cooma with Steve Ridley of Goulburn auctioneering.